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Features of the Snack! website engine
Snack! is a lightweight forum engine. It does not compete with engines like xoops or vanilla in modularity and configurability. Snack! simply provides a quick to setup forum, news and private message website. It is designed to work in non CSS browsers without using any Javascript.

"Snack" is swedish slang and its meaning can be illustrated with these three examples:
    - En massa snack -> A lot of talk
    - Snack och ingen verkstad -> All talk no substance
    - Snack! -> Bullshit!

Public domain
The Snack! code base is available as Public Domain. You may download it and rewrite it anyway you want. You're only asked to give some credit back. Read the License for more information.

You can define forum groups and forums. And set read, post and reply permissions individually for each forum. Permissions are set towards 4 user levels: "Not validated", "User", "Moderator" and "Administrator". Each user has their own permission level set for the whole site and the forum permissions are matched to it. This does not provide the granularity as you might expect from other forums like phpBB but it is enough for small scale forums.

Private messages
Users can send private messages to each other. Users can track messages they have sent and sort messages in user defined folders.

Direct content pages
Site administrators can create a website page using administrative tools on the site and provide links to them in the top and/or left menu under the Content header. The page you are reading is such a page.

News and news comments
Site moderators can post news items to the site and users can make comments to each news item.

Contact page
Anonymous users can send a private message to an administrator on the site by using the contact page. The message will be added to the administrators message list. It is protected by a keyword image to prevent spamming.

Self registration
Users registers themselves to the site. Once registered a verification email is sent to the user with a link that the user has to go to to activate their account. The registration procedure is protected by a keyword image to prevent spamming.

Non CSS themeing
It is possible to create your own theme without rewriting a lot of PHP code. This is done by globally defining which images should be used and which colors to use. While limited compared to CSS theming it still provides enough flexibility for non CSS browsers. Multiple themes can be used at the same time and each user can select which theme they want to use.

No Java script
Absolutely no javascript is used by the site engine. Partly just to point out that it is possible to create a fully functional website without riddling it with javascript everywhere and partly to support browsers with limited or no java script support.

News items, comments, content pages and forum messages can use BBCode for text formatting. The Snack! engine provides a limited set of tags that can be used to format text, such as bold text, links and inline images. See the BBCode test page for more information.
Snack! forum website engine, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström